Lebanese actress Solaf Fawakherji

Lebanese actress Solaf Fawakherji expressed her pleasure for finding the suitable work by which she returned to the Egyptian drama after years of absence through her new TV drama show “Hotline”. She revealed that she works currently to resume filming her role in the new TV drama scheduled to be presented during the coming months.

She added that it is a great honor to cooperate with a major superstar like Hussein Fahmy not only in Egypt but also in all over the Arab world. She stressed her confidence that the new work will achieve notable success and will achieve high popularity among the Arab fans.

She revealed that she did not participate in any Egyptian drama work during the latest year due to the critical condition witnessed in her country Syria, saying that she focused on working in the drama works aiming to underline the pains of Syrian people since the beginning of the uprising that has been launched nearly seven years ago.

She also blamed the lack of suitable scenario that will attract her to accept any of the offers she received during the latest years. She expressed her appreciation to the Egyptian fans that were keen to support her since the beginning of her career, saying that she is keen not to participate in any works except these works that respect their minds.

She revealed that she will start the filming of her new TV drama show on Thursday, saying that it is scheduled to be presented during the coming drama season of Ramadan. She denied what was published over her withdrawal from “Upper Egyptian Immigration”, saying that the new drama project still exists.

She added that she apologized from the TV drama show “Rooh”, saying that she took her decision due to the lack of seriousness of the producing company.

Regarding cinema, she said that she plans to return to the Egyptian cinema through strong work that could enrich her career as an actress. She revealed that she is schedule to receive honoring during her participation in Carthage Theater Festival in Tunisia

Researchers hope their technique can one day be applied to other microfossils, perhaps even those that come from cosmic bodies beyond Earth.