The World Health Organization on Friday announced its reform plans put forward at the three-day special session of its Executive Board. Member states have expressed \"strong support for WHO\'s work\" and \"reaching agreement on sweeping proposals for reform,\" WHO said in a press communique issued after the session. Based on proposals put forward by member states and the Director-General Margaret Chan, agreement was reached that WHO\'s five core area of work should concentrate on health development, health security, strengthening health systems and institutions, generating evidence on health trends and determinants and convening for better health. In addition, the Board welcomed proposals to strengthen the governance of WHO, which focuses on issues such as improving financing of the organization, strengthening country offices, facilitating collaboration across the organization, improving human resource policies, and increasing accountability. Further issues, including a proposed mechanism to increase predictability and flexibility of financing for the WHO, will be reviewed at a regular meeting of the Executive Board in January 2012.