Women who were on the pill when they met their partner were less sexually satisfied or attracted to their partners, researchers in Scotland say. However, Dr. Craig Roberts and colleagues at Stirling University in Scotland also found the women who used oral contraception were more satisfied with other aspects of the relationship and so were less likely to separate, the BBC reported. The study, published in the Royal Society Journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, also found overall, women who met their partner while on birth control pills had longer relationships -- by two years on average. Women\'s preferences for men change during their monthly cycle -- they are more attracted to sexier, more masculine men while they are most fertile, but prefer more caring and reliable men during the non-fertile time of their monthly cycle, Roberts explained. However, the hormonal levels of women using oral contraceptives don\'t change much during the month and most closely reflect those typical of the non-fertile phases of their menstrual cycle so women on oral contraceptives are more attracted to men who appear more caring and reliable that would make good fathers, Roberts said.