We all know the benefits of sleep. For a better you - physiologically and psychologically - sleep is the best treatment. Studies have shown that sleep, besides keeping you fit, also improves your productivity at work, makes you efficient. We are in a fast age where we brag about how we can survive with little or no sleep. However, doctors say, this condition would adversely affect health in the long run. Remember it's the body that knows and decides how much rest it needs and not you. Being fit physically is definitely not in the mind because after a point, it shows on you in the form of dark circles, fatigue, irritability and lethargy. Hence, 8 hours of sleep is a must to keep your balance. Reasons for sleep deprivation - Staying up too late - Watching TV till wee hours of morning - Drinking too much coffee - Eating late at night (it may even be munching junk food) It always helps to eat at least three hours before you hit the sack - Late night parties - Addicted to internet (blame it on social media) - Late night texting and phone calls - Too much alcohol consumption Benefits of sleep - Better immunity: Getting enough sleep will ensure you are in the pink of your health. - Mood enhancer: We have heard it before. When you are breaking your head over solution to a problem, just sleep over it. In all probability, you may wake up with a strategy or at least feel better. - Beats fatigue: Sleep is always refreshing, rejuvenating and a great stress buster. - Check on weight: Quality sleep will ensure that you maintain a healthy weight. - Better appetite: Getting enough sleep will keep your digestive system in a good working condition. - Better memory: Good sleep means better recall power. - Sleeping beauty: Good skin has been linked to a good night's sleep. Hence, sleep is the best beauty treatment. How to get good sleep? Take a warm bath: If you have trouble falling asleep, take a warm water bath. Naturopathy recommends washing your feet with cold water for better sleep. Check both and stick to whatever works for you. Stick to a routine: Make sure you go to bed at the same time everyday. Exceptions do happen, but do maintain a fixed schedule for sleeping every night. Stop worrying: Sleep is the way to relax. Hence, when you hit the sack, remember to put all your worries behind. This will keep your nightmares away. Environment matters: Where you sleep also affects its quality. Make sure you are in a comfortable setting where you can get a sound sleep. Employ sleep-inducing methods: I don't mean pills here. If you are suffering from insomnia, then try meditation before sleep or you could also play your favourite music that's soothing enough to put you to sleep. Stay active: To get a good night's sleep, the body has to be physically exerted enough. The key is to stay active throughout the day. Exercise and yoga are also known to aid sleep.