We give you reasons why you should do it Whether you like it or not, running is one of the best forms of exercise to keep yourself fit - and not just that, it's great for weight control as well. A 30 to 45 minute run, about three to four times a week, will trim your waistline, strengthen your cardiovascular system and even help foster a positive mental attitude. We list some reasons why you should start running today... - One of the quickest way to cardiovascular fitness, the more frequently you run, the fitter you get. - You don't need to invest in heavy-duty equipment in order to start running. Get yourself a pair of sturdy running shoes, a couple of track pants, shorts and tees, and you're ready to go. - You don't need to be a long distance runner in order to be a good runner. Running is easy to learn. Just make sure your posture is correct when you run. - Not only is running good for your physical state, it is also mentally stimulating. - Feeling stressed? Get out and run! Experts say that running is great for reducing stress levels. When you run, it helps clear your head and concentrate better. - Running is one of the most flexible methods of training - no matter here you are or how old you are, it is nearly always possible to step out for a jog. - Not only does running strengthen your heart but also reduces the actual resting heart rate. - Running helps you lose weight and tones your muscles by getting rid of excess fat and converting it to muscle. The more you run, the more weight you lose. - Research also says that running is good for your sex drive. - Got a hangover? Running is a great way to recover because a run helps clear your head faster than just sitting around nursing your headache. - You don't need to run alone. Ask a friend to accompany you. This way you can have company as well as encourage each other. - Running improves your concentration because when you run, you're forced to concentrate more. - The endurance you build up through running is useful for other sports as well.