State governors do not want the federal government interfering with states’ rights. Conversely, the average individual does not want the state government interfering with individual rights. One of the most intrusive elements of the Republicans’ agenda is women’s health care. A topic that should have remained private between a patient and her physician is now splattered in the media for all to see. States’ legislatures are interfering with the rights of women by dictating what they can and cannot do for their own health care, such as abortion and contraception. Congress should channel its energies to far more important matters: modernizing our crumbling infrastructures, working on having the very wealthy pay their fair share of taxes, working for the middle class and the poor, and working to create more jobs. Fortunately, this is an election year in which we can now weed out politicians who have not been working for the aggregate of the American people and vote for those who will. Before inauguration into their positions, federal and states’ legislatures should have to read the U.S. Constitution and be tested for comprehension as to what it means and stands for.