I was jangling my home keys when my cousin yelled and said, "Don't do that! You'll have a fight!" I sceptically replied, "Why? Just because I played with keys, my energy field is now begging for a fight?" The entire day passed without a fight, but at night, I ended up having a mammoth argument with a close friend! I was perplexed! Was it the keys or a freak coincidence? I scoured the internet for superstitions relating to relationships, and found some interesting and hilarious ones... to some of which I've added my own comments. - Feed a cat out of an old shoe and your wedding day will be a happy one (Not so sure the cat will like that very much, though!) - If a cat sneezes in front of a bride on the day before her wedding, it is a sign of very good luck (Poor cat! It must have been the mould in the old shoe that made it sneeze) - A woman should not marry a man whose surname begins with the same letter as her own. It is bad luck (All my divorced friends have no similarity! Ok! Perhaps it was good luck they got divorced, not bad luck) - It is unlucky to marry someone born in the same month as you (Probably because you'll get joint birthday presents?) - If it rains on the wedding day, the bride will cry all her married life (No monsoon weddings for me!) - It is a sign of very good luck to find a spider crawling on your wedding gown (OMG! Are they serious? What if it's a tarantula?) - The bride should always be happy if she wears or carries a bit of salt (Forget perfume! Tata salt it is!) - If your lover gives you a knife as a gift this means the love will end soon (Who on earth would gift a knife over a perfume?) - In Chinese culture, giving a clock as a present is taboo due to the Chinese word for 'clock' sounding like the word for 'death'. Of course none of this is based on fact or reason! But hey! If little knowledge is a dangerous thing, I'd say better safe than sorry! I am a 21 year-old who stays home with her parents and uncle. My uncle is a 45 year-old man, who is clearly a pervert. I have been molested by him as a child but that time I was unaware about his intentions. But even now, he tries to get too close and is ill -mannered. I cannot tell my parents about the same. How do I deal with this problem? This is absolutely disgusting and unacceptable. I really suggest you sit with your mother or any elder family member that you trust and can talk to openly and bring this to their notice. Your rotten uncle only continues with his behaviour because he's allowed to get away with it. It may create uproar in the family and create rifts with him, but who wants such a jerk in the family in the first place? I am a 26 year-old girl. When I was in school, everyone used to keep making fun of me, saying that I am a loser and a fatso. There was this guy, I hated the most who would always make fun of me and tease me in public. Now recently at a school reunion after 12 years, we met. I have lost considerable amount of weight and look pretty (according to everyone). And he seems to be smitten by me. After months of talking, he has proposed. But somewhere, down the line, I cannot ever forgive him for what he has done to me. I don't think I want to be with him, and even if I want to, I would leave him in months so I can take revenge. What do I do? It's probably a high for you that the man that rejected your physicality, today desires it, but are you out to hurt him or waste your time and energy and hurt yourself? If you want to rebuff him, just tell him it would have been his good karma to have had you, but because of his bad karma he cannot! Why on earth would you want to compromise yourself, and share your life and body with someone you cannot stand? It's your choice to either remember his insulting ways or pat yourself for your success story. I'd say valuing yourself is far more important than undermining him.