London - Arabstoday
The quality assurance and health accreditation department in the medical practices and licensing sector in the ministry of health organised a workshop about pain management for medical and technical staff in the ministry’s health facilities. The workshop reviewed the latest international trends in pain management and receiving sick cases. Dr. Wafa Jaber Al Rahma, Acting Director of Quality assurance and health accreditation department in the ministry of health stated that the pain management workshop is one of the initiatives of the quality assurance and health accreditation department to provide the best healthcare services and standards. She said: “The targeted audience in the workshop was medical staff such as doctors and nurses from the ministry of health facilities. About 164 doctors and nurses as well as administrative staff from the quality assurance sections in the hospitals and medical districts participated in the training workshop”. The workshop aims for introducing the medical staff (doctors and nurses) and administrative and academic staff with the latest pain management and assessment techniques in order to unify to the medical procedures and policies as well as the pain management forms in the ministry’s facilities. The workshop also discussed the management of pain tools for adults and children such as pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical tools. Al Rahma mentioned that the workshop enables the participants to control pain and all its biological elements such as: blood pressure, pulse, temperature, breathing rate, pain control and all other procedures of health authorities. She indicated that time management in pain assessment and re-assessment is very important in the patients’ healthcare services and international health accreditation standards (JCI). The results of the workshop will enable all healthcare companies to apply pain assessment and management on all patients. The workshop also enabled the participants to get acquainted to the computer management, tools and services to be applied in the ministry’s health facilities.