Investigators of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) have met House Speaker Setya Novanto and are

Investigators of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) have met House Speaker Setya Novanto and are coordinating with his doctors at the Medika Permata Hijau Hospital in West Jakarta, KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah stated.

"The KPK team has met Novanto this morning and is now coordinating with his doctors," Diansyah noted here on Friday.

Diansyah remarked that several doctors, including the on-duty doctor who first received him, a cardiologist, and neurologist, are examining Novanto`s health.

"We have received information that this morning the team of investigators were able to cooperate well with the hospital," the KPK spokesman pointed out.

Novanto was admitted to the Medika Permata Hijau Hospital on Thursday night after having met with a car accident.

In the meantime, Novanto was moved from the Medika Permata Hijau Hospital to the Cipto Mangungkusumo Public Hospital (RSCM) in Central Jakarta on Friday afternoon due to limited medical equipment at Permata Hijau.

"He was moved to RSCM based on references of Novanto`s doctors at Permata Hijau due to the limited medical equipment," Novanto`s lawyer Fredrich Yunadi stated at the Medika Permata Hijau Hospital in Jakarta on Friday.

Yunadi noted that Permata Hijau Hospital`s magnetic resonance imaging equipment used to examine Novanto is out of order. Hence, the doctors referred the patient to the Type A hospital of RSCM.

Novanto was transferred using an ambulance from the Medika Permata Hijau Hospital to RSCM at 12:50 p.m. Western Indonesia Time (WIB) amid tight security by the police personnel.

On Wednesday night, the KPK called on Novanto, who had been named a suspect in a graft case related to the procurement of national electronic identity cards, to surrender, after the KPK investigators failed to locate him at his residence.

The KPK investigators` team, on Wednesday night, raided Novanto`s residence after the anti-graft body issued an arrest warrant against the speaker of the House of Representatives.

The KPK has also officially placed Novanto on the Police`s Wanted List (DPO). Diansyah said the KPK decided to place Novanto on the DPO after he failed to surrender until Thursday evening.

"Finally, it was decided during the internal meeting of the KPK to place him on the wanted list. The KPK leadership sent a letter about it to the National Police (Polri) Headquarters, with copies to the Polri chief and NCB Interpol," Diansyah remarked.

According to Diansyah, the KPK has sought Polri`s assistance to search him based on Article 12, point (1), Law No. 30 of 2002 on KPK.

On July 17, 2017, the KPK named Novanto as a suspect in a graft case related to the procurement of national electronic identity cards (e-ID).

However, the South Jakarta District Court, through its sole Judge Cepi Iskandar, who tried Novanto in a pretrial lawsuit, issued a verdict in favor of him. The court ruled that Novanto being named a suspect was against the procedures.

The KPK renamed him as a suspect in the same case on November 10, 2017. Novanto then filed another pretrial lawsuit on November 15, 2017.

The state is estimated to have lost Rp2.3 trillion due to the corruption in the e-ID project worth Rp5 trillion

Source: ANTARA