Iranian scientists at the Growth Center of Tehran University of Medical Sciences succeeded in producing the first high resolution spectroscopy device for animals which can be used to analyze the performance of radio-drugs in the body of laboratorial animals. The announcement was made by Dr. Mohammad Reza Ay, medical physics and medical engineering associate professor of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and the designer of the high resolution spectroscopy device for animals (HiReSPECT). \"The device has applications in taking images from laboratorial animals,\" he said. \"Plans such as the production of drug need to pass the animal test and clinical process before being produced for humans. Specific spectroscopy devices for small animals help the completion of the animal phase of drug plans to a great extent,\" he said. \"Taking into account that a mouse is 2500 times smaller in size than a human, the device that is used in the spectroscopy of small animals is required to have high ability in spatial differentiation. Since if a spectroscopy device for humans is used to take images from a mouse, the quality of the images would not be good enough to carry out research work on them,\" Dr. Ay reiterated. Noting that novel technologies have been used in the production of this device, especially in the monitor part of the device which led to an international patenting, he underlined, \"The device has also some advantages over the foreign samples in mechanic and image reconstruction sections, among which mention can be made of resolution recycling. That means the image can be modified during the recreation of the image.\" According to Dr. Ay, the spectroscopy device for small animals made in Iran costs one-third of its foreign rivals.