Could a computer game that claims to make exercise fun be the panacea for the age of sloth? Fitness is more than simply about burning calories, clocking miles and pumping iron. Unless we get the right balance in diet, i.e. proteins, sugars, fats and vitamins, we will not get the 'feel good' factor right. Today, innovative gadgets and gizmos have given a new dimension to our life, tempting us to become virtual gamers. In Indi, open playgrounds, sports clubs, etc, are very few and far between, and hence access to such facilities is often restricted or limited. Arthroscopy surgeon Dr Sachin Tapasvi says, "In video games, the only advantage is that they make up for these drawbacks and give you the feel and exposure of playing games right in your living room. Also, those who are already playing a particular sport and pursuing it seriously can get virtual practice at home with the help of such gadgets." At the same time, Dr Tapasvi is cautious. "But the basic principles of exercising and playing, ie, coordinated exercise and movements of all the muscle groups and high level of oxygen exchange, are defeated completely! So in our age of sloth, computers may sound very exciting but have no benefits as far as exercise and fitness is concerned." Orthopedic surgeon Dr Milind Patil concurs. "The benefits of exercise are not obtained by playing computer games. Your bones and muscles get strong by playing actual sport and this results in ovrall physical, mental and social development." However, arthroscopy and joint replacement surgeon Dr Sachin Bhonsle, who loves sports and video games, differs. He says, "Individuals can be at their consoles for hours at a stretch. Like any sport, these games played a large role in improving 'hand eye coordination' and manual dexterity." Internet has given a new dimension to online gaming, where you can playa game with a partner across the globe. "There are many game consoles with add-ons which allow real sports and exercises. The console can be connectted to your body to track movements and your vital statistics, using a wireless board and wireless controls. Cameras on board the console even take your pictures during action! Virtual gaming is more exciting than ever before," adds Dr Bhonsle. Several companies have come up with game consoles and attachments which allow real sports and exercises. The console connects to your body movements and your vital statistics using a wireless board and some wireless controls. One particular gaming console allows you to do rigorous exercise routines with add-ons. Some others, have dedicated balance boards and wireless remote devices, which allow you to record all your biometrics and program your fitness regime. It takes you in a nice and simple way through difficult aerobic routines and other physical exercises. You can also play physically demanding sports like boxing and tennis on some of these consoles," says Dr Bhonsle. Virtual games, also give you the luxury of playing games which you have never played or trained before. Dr Bhonsle, belongs to a generation, which had the privilege of enjoying games ranging from gilli danda and gully cricket to proper lawn tennand now the latest cutting-edge computer games He is completely taken in by the idea and says, "I enjoy surfing at high speeds on a river, and with gaming consoles I can do it without getting a drop of water on my body. All I have to do is focus on the screen and see the direction I am heading in on the surfboard. I swing and swerve my body and retain my balance to stay on course by jumping or ducking depending upon the obstacles. At the end of the game I drip wet with sweat. It is a complete workout for the body which burns calories and helps you get fitter. You can do so many activities all by yourself without moving out of your house." Actor and fitness freak Reema Sarin agrees. "If you are fitness crazy gizmo freak, then the latest exercising with video game systems is for you! Exercising with a video game is not only fun, but it also burns calories. Exer-gaming is the official industry term for this, and includes a variety of games and activities that build strength and cardiovascular ability." No doubt, computer games have its advantages and disadvantages, but one thing cannot be denied. It is convenient and fun activity, which can be done everyday with family and friends. That too in the privacy of your home.