cholera in Haiti

The UN General Assembly on Friday adopted a resolution to welcome the new UN approach to tackling cholera in Haiti, which was formally launched earlier this month by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, and called on all 193 UN member states to provide the two-track plan their full support.

Recognizing the moral responsibility of the United Nations to the victims of the cholera epidemic in Haiti, the General Assembly resolution called upon "all member states, relevant UN bodies and other international governmental and non-governmental partners, to provide their full support to (the new UN approach), in particular to intensify their efforts to respond to and eliminate cholera and to address the suffering of its victims, including by providing material assistance and support to communities and those Haitians most directly affected by cholera,"

Briefing the General Assembly on the new approach in early December, the secretary-general apologized to the people of Haiti, expressing his deep regret for the loss of life and suffering caused by the country's cholera epidemic.

"The United Nations and its member states have the power to recognize and respond to that suffering ... let us step up in solidarity to our moral duty and do the right thing for the Haitian people and our United Nations," Ban said.

In 2010, a devastating cholera outbreak infected hundreds of thousands in Haiti just months after a severe earthquake left more than 100,000 dead. Prior to the outbreak, there were no reported cases of cholera in Haiti.

This summer, the United Nations finally acknowledged that it was involved in the initial outbreak and the profound suffering that has followed.

Cholera is a bacterial infection that can lead to potentially serious symptoms of watery diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and muscle cramps. Often spread through contaminated water or food, the incubation period of the disease can be as short as two hours, meaning it can move quickly through a densely populated area. As the mucus membrane of the intestinal wall is affected, it can lead to diarrhea that can cause severe dehydration.

The disease appeared in Haiti in October 2010 and spread quickly, causing an estimated 770,000 infections in the years since and approximately 9,200 related deaths. Concerted national and international efforts, backed by the United Nations, have resulted in a 90 percent reduction in the number of suspected cases.

Costing an estimated 400 million U.S. dollars over the next two years, the approach, detailed in a report of the secretary-general entitled A new approach to cholera in Haiti, will centre on two different elements, known as "Track One" and "Track Two."

"Track One" consists of a greatly intensified and better-resourced effort to respond to and reduce the incidence of cholera, through addressing Haiti's short- and longer-term issues of water, sanitation and health systems and improved access to care and treatment.

"Track Two" of the approach is the development of a package of material assistance and support to those Haitians most directly affected by cholera, centred on the victims and their families and communities. It is expected that it will also involve affected individuals and communities in the development of the package.

source: Xinhua