Recently, WHO revealed that 20 per cent of the world's diabetics are from India. But there's hope yet. Eating healthy food and exercising right is not only helpful for people already suffering from diabetes, it is also a great way to prevent or curb any symptoms that can lead to Type 2 diabetes. Today we have Dr. Rajeev Chawla, Diabetologist of North Delhi Diabetes Center, who gives us some insights on exercise and diet tips for diabetics. Diabetic Query #1: How important is it to exercise for a diabetic patient? Exercise is an important part of diabetes management, probably as important as drugs or medication. Patients should exercise at least for 30min/day for at least 6 days/week. Diabetic Query #2: What kind of exercises are best suited for a diabetic patient? Exercises could be aerobic, swimming, cycling or jogging. A 30 mins brisk walk is simple, and good for every patient who can't do other exercises. Diabetic Query #3: What about food and insulin? Patients on insulin can have Hypos after doing a vigorous exercise or unaccustomed exercise. Also, please make sure in order to prevent hypoglycemia when exercising, those on insulin must have a snack before going for exercise. Also make sure you consult your doctor before starting any exercise schedule. Diabetic Query #4: What are the kinds of foods I should avoid if I suffer from diabetes? Diabetics should avoid fast foods, sweets, candies or chocolates - They should not take raw sugars, juices or liquids containing refined sugars. Diabetic Query #5: What are your tips about eating to prevent or control diabetes? Patients can eat complex carbohydrates like cereals, fruits, vegetables etc. Up to 250gms of fruits can be consumed in a day as these are complex carbohydrates. It is a myth that diabetics can't eat - rather they can eat almost everything in a planned diet in moderate amounts. Hence, diabetics should have planned 5-6 frequent small meals. Diabetic Query #6: Are complex carbohydrates good for a diabetic patient? Patients can have complex carbohydrates like cereals, fruits and vegetables as the body digests them gradually thereby generating and providing the necessary energy.