Ebola test

A device to deal with any possible cases of Ebola, through the training of the staff and strict respect of intervention measures, is being implemented by the Civil Protection, said Sunday Assistant Director of Emergency Service at the Civil Protection Ahcene Saadi.
This device, implemented in coordination with Health Ministry, aims at training the Civil Protection’s elements to inform about the risks of this disease and the measures to be taken in intervention operations,” said Lieutnant-Colonel Saadi in a seminar on Ebola.
This meeting aims at explaining to the Civil Protection’s elements the measures to take to evacuate patients with Ebola.
For this purpose, the general direction of the Civil Protection decided to take preventive and operational measures to deal with this type of this disease.
For his part, Lieutenant-Colonel Farouk Achour, in charge of communication at the Civil Protection, emphasized the importance of awareness  and communication, underlining the imperative to be vigilant in case of evacuating a patient with Ebola.