The recent drop in drug prices will help curtail counterfeiters transiting fake medicines through Dubai, a senior Ministry of Health official has said. The Ministry is also planning a reduction in prices of generic drugs which are manufactured in Europe, the US, Arab countries and in the UAE, said Dr Amin Al Amiri, CEO of medical practice and licensing. The drop in prices will be announced in Ramadan in August. The official said the reduction in price of innovative drugs of between five to 60 per cent will stop people looking for cheaper counterfeit drugs. \"We are trying to close the door to counterfeiters,\" he said. \"The counterfeiters have complex shipment routes,\" said Yasar Yaman, director of global security at Pfizer, an international drug manufacturer. Counterfeiters target this company for its cholesterol controlling drug Lipitor, and Norvasc, which doctors recommend for high blood pressure. At least 20 of its products are counterfeited, which include not only lifestyle drugs, but life saving medicine, he said. The director said large consignments of fake medicines pass from Asia to Europe, but he noted the UAE and the GCC states have strong laws to curtail this trade. At least ten per cent of fake drugs found in Europe pass through Dubai, said Dr Al Amiri earlier. Recently, a police raid yielded a huge haul of 100,000 fake Viagra oils in Dubai with an estimated value of Dh4 million. Yaman identified China where the fakes are being manufactured, but said Beijing was taking strong action against the counterfeiters. The other ports where the drugs are re-shipped to Europe are the free zone port in Jordan and some ports in Egypt. He said drug manufacturers are becoming more efficient at countering the fakes by enhancing security features like stamping holograms on drug packaging. Yaman said the fake manufacturers do not care what they put into the drugs as long as they can make quick money. He said some strong chemicals such as boric acid, cartridge ink and starch has been found in these drugs. He added that the internet was also used to push fake drugs, but it is not such a big problem here in the Middle East. His recommendation is to purchase medicines from reputed pharmacists. From / Gulf News