Geneva - Agencies
Algeria proposed Tuseday in Geneva (Switherland) the creation of a World Anti-cancer Funds like ONUSIDA, during the 65th session of World Assembly of Health, Algerian PressService (APS) reported. Speaking during the session of this Assembly (20-26 May),health Minister Djamel Ould Abbas proposed the creation of World Anti-Cancer Funds \"like ONUSIDA\" and asked the convenning of special session of the World Health Organization (WHO) devoted to drugs. the minister has also \"backed the African continent,\" and \" denounced the hard and the extreme health conditions experienced by the populations of \'cradle of mankind\'.\" On the sidelines of the session, Ould Abbas Paticipated in the works of the meeting of WHO African member states and met WHO director for Africa Luis Gomes Sambo with whom he examined the state of progress of Algeria-WHO cooperation program as well as the prospects of extension to allow the African region to take profit of Algeria Experience in health.