The Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (ADFCA) has recently launched a spraying campaign as well as an immunization initiative to control the spread of four infectious diseases affecting animals, a statement sent by the ADFCA announced on Sunday. The campaigns are aimed at stemming foot and mouth disease, CCPP, PPR and sheep and goat pox by eradicating parasites that cause and transmit the diseases. The statement added that the campaigns would increase immunity to diseases among livestock while also reducing the need for veterinary treatment. In addition, livestock breeders would also be educated about the nutritional benefits of concentrated fodder as part of the initiative. Khalifa Ahmed Al Ali, executive director of strategic planning and performance management at ADFCA, said the authority was working to ensure that skilled veterinarians were available to farmers. \"The spraying and immunization initiatives are part of the ADFCA plan to raise awareness about different diseases that affect livestock,\" Al Ali said. He added that ADFCA veterinarians would continue to provide guidance for farmers and breeders so that common animal diseases did not affect the emirate\'s livestock. Mohammed Jalal Al Reyaysa, director of communications and community service at the ADFCA, added that the campaigns would lead to an improvement in the quality of animal products, and promote confidence in the local production of livestock. The ADFCA statement also said the campaigns were part of a series of initiatives aimed at ensuring sustainable livestock production in the emirate.