UAE eHealth

Leading experts in healthcare from the UAE and around the world will gather in Dubai on 12th and 13th November and in Abu Dhabi on 14th November for the annual UAE eHealth Week.

Offering the latest breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Health 2.0, Genomics and Gamification, together with updates from government departments and hospitals on Health Information Exchange and Electronic Medical Record Adoption, the week will take place at Mohammed bin Rashid University, MBRU, and Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, where policy makers, healthcare providers and vendors will come together to showcase projects that improve efficiency and care quality.

UAE eHealth Week will offer a main HIMSS Conference, CPHIMS Review Course, and will launch two new communities: GCC Healthcare CIO Community under the HIMSS-CHIME International initiative and the Women in Health IT Community. These communities are aimed at helping budding current healthcare professionals and leaders advance their careers through networking, sharing of resources and mentoring.