Pistachio & rose water kulfi

This delicately fragrant frozen Indian dessert combines pistachio nuts and rosewater - the perfect way to cool down after a spicy meal
    200g pistachios, plus extra to serve
    250g golden caster sugar
    2 tsp cornflour
    600ml whole milk
    600ml evaporated milk
    4-5 tbsp rosewater
    handful cherries, or any berries that are in season, to serve
    Pulse the pistachios and sugar in a mixer until fine – be careful not to overmix or the pistachios will become oily. Mix the cornflour with 1 tbsp of the whole milk to make a smooth paste.
    Pour the remaining milk and the evaporated milk into a saucepan and bring to the boil. Add the pistachio powder, rose water and cornflour paste, and simmer for 5 mins until the mixture has thickened and coats the back of a spoon (it will continue to thicken as it cools).
    Pour into a bowl and cover the surface with cling film so a skin doesn’t form. Leave to cool, then chill in the fridge until cold before churning in your ice cream machine following the manufacturer’s instructions. If you don’t have an ice cream machine, transfer to a freezer- proof container, pop in the freezer for 4 hrs or until frozen and stir every hour to break up any ice crystals.
    Take out of the freezer 20 mins before slicing or scooping to serve. Sprinkle with crushed pistachios and scatter over the cherries or berries.
Source: My Good Food