Turkish President Reccep Tayyib Erdogan.

The University of Khartoum on Monday bestowed the Honorary Doctorate in Law on the visiting Turkish President Reccep Tayyib Erdogan amid august official, political and academia presence.

Professor Ahmed Mohamed Suleiman, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Khartoum (Uof K) told the ceremony that the move to confer the title by the University of Khartoum was because it considered President Erdogan an international personality that has huge impact on it regional and international surrounding.

He said the university considered bestowing the doctorate on Erdogan an honor the institution and its affiliate and staffers.

He commended the cooperation that exists between the university and the various other Turkish institutions.

Professor Adel Ali Hussein told the same gathering that the University Board of Directors in its meeting 415 voted for giving the honorary doctorate to president Erdogan, following a thorough review of his curriculum vitae and his efforts in serving his communities locally, regionally and internationally.

He commended the scholarship for over 100 students annually provided by Turkey to Sudanese students as well as 10m other fully funded grants for postgraduate higher studies.

Source: SUNA