Qatari Foreign Minister Mohammed Al Thani will arrive in Moscow this week where he will meet with Russian

Qatari Foreign Minister Mohammed Al Thani will arrive in Moscow this week where he will meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, a source in the Russian Foreign Ministry told Sputnik on Thursday. 

On June 5, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates severed diplomatic relations with Qatar. The states accused Qatar of supporting terrorist groups, particularly the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist movement, as well as of interfering in other countries' domestic affairs. Libya made a similar decision. Yemen cut diplomatic relations citing Doha's links with Houthis. The Maldives took the same step, citing extremism and terrorism concerns. Mauritius joined the boycott. Mauritania broke off diplomatic ties with Qatar while Jordan downgraded ties with the country on June 6. The Comoros joined the campaign on June 7.
The Qatari Foreign Ministry rejected the accusations of Doha's interference in other countries' domestic affairs and expressed regret over the decision of the Gulf States to cut off the diplomatic ties with it. 

"The talks will take place on Saturday," the source said. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin has no plans to meet with the Qatari foreign minister, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Thursday

Source: NNA