Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa.

His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa has stressed that the primary and most urgent responsibility of the international community at the present time is to develop an international collective action system and to put in place more effective mechanisms to end conflicts that have depleted the potential of many states and peoples and to achieve a comprehensive and mutually acceptable peace.


In a message to the international community on the International Day of Peace 2018, HRH Prince Khalifa pointed out that the achievement of global and regional peace is a necessity for which every effort should be made.


Work for peace and its consolidation at all levels are a clear approach taken by Bahrainis and embraced by the Kingdom in its orientations and relations with the countries across the world.


“The Kingdom of Bahrain, under the wise vision of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, has embodied the human values of peaceful coexistence between different cultures and beliefs. Bahrain will continue to be an active partner in serving the just causes of the world and in contributing to the spread of security, peace and stability around the globe,” he said.


Peace, cooperation and co-existence are lofty human values whenever they are achieved and provide humankind with the elements that will help it achieve the development that will ensure a secure and prosperous life for its people, HRH Prince Khalifa added in the message marking the International Day of Peace celebrated this year under the theme “The Right to Peace - The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70”.


“The observance of the International Day of Peace is an important occasion to remind the international community that peace is a common responsibility because the challenges and dangers affect everyone,” HRH the Premier said.


“The focus on the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an occasion to highlight the importance of adhering to the noble principles of the Declaration, which constituted an important historical document and a great achievement in the history of mankind.”


The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030 could establish an international vision of a special nature that would make cooperation in the area of sustainable development a priority and a firm foundation for peace, which will provide the causes for the development and progress of societies, he said.


The process of building and development requires the provision of essential and indispensable elements, mainly the appropriate environment for peace. Bahrain supports any partnerships that promote the conditions of people everywhere and achieve balanced development for all.


“The Kingdom of Bahrain believes that peace is capable of opening up endless horizons of cooperation between nations and peoples. We are now more determined to continue our efforts to galvanise and mobilise international support for peace in the world,” he said.


HRH the Prime Minister lauded the efforts made by the United Nations and its specialised agencies in stimulating countries to move forward on the path of peace. He expressed hope that the determination of the international community would take courageous steps to achieve peace in various parts of the world and open up new horizons for cooperation in the development of efforts to build a more prosperous future for mankind.