David Friedman

The newly appointed US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, has stated that he will be living in Jerusalem and not in the US envoy house in Herzliya.

According to Israeli media, the new conservative ambassador from the Trump administration said that he prefers to live in a small apartment in Jerusalem than live in the house in which US ambassadors have lived over the years.

In a report by the Israeli daily newspaper, Ynet, Friedman has said he will arrive to Israel by the end of February and intends to live in Jerusalem whether the administration decides to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem or not.

To her part, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and the right wing Likud party member, Tzipi Hotovely, said that she is glad to have Friedman as an ambassador, since him and the US administration are always supportive of Israel and stand on its side through all of its “battlers”, especially on the settlement files.

Regarding the embassy move, Hotovely said she hopes that the presidential pledge will come true despite the rage against it in the Arab world, saying that it will be a “courageous” move by the US administration if it does happen.

On Friday, the Israeli prime minister, Benyamin Netanyahu has congratulated Trump on twitter, saying that he looks forward to “working closely to make the alliance between Israel & the US stronger than ever.”


Meanwhile, millions of people all over the world continue to protest the presidency of Trump over his right wing policies.

Source :PNN