Benyamin Netanyahu

Israeli right wing Prime Minister, Benyamin Netanyahu began carrying out his vows last Dec. 15th in an attempt to appease the settlers of Amona settlement outpost before demolishing any stone there.  At the time, he said that he ordered to speed up the demolition of the illegal construction in the Negev, Wadi Ara, the Galilee and the Center area and in all parts of the country, this way equalizing between who builds at their own lands and those who build on occupied and looted ones.

Netanyahu’s government threatened to carry out demolishing 11 houses in Qalansawa in the Triangle area in the Green Line, accompanied by an unprecedented Israeli escalation and fever war on the Palestinians, especially, C Area IN the occupied West Bank, through demolishing houses and properties, as well as displacing of Palestinians from their lands in favor of the settlement, as what has happened recently in Tana village, the Khan Al-Ahmar, the Jordan valley and the occupied Jerusalem.

At the same time, the Israeli authorities inform the Palestinians, who have proven their ownership of land in the Amona settlement outpost area and its surrounding that the outpost’s land would be divided in a way that grants the settlers with a land considered as absentee properties in accordance with their opinion.  According to Israeli sources, the land that the Palestinians proved their ownership to them, will be given to them, and the land of absentees would be given to to settlers. Those sources pointed that that the Israeli authorities have informed the Palestinians on that, where the Israeli civil administration seized the land near the Amona settlement that was built on  a Palestinian land  in the occupied West Bank.

Jewish Home sources expressed opposition for freezing the Act of confiscating the Palestinian land for settlement purposes. Deputy Security Minister, Eli Bin-Dahan said, the Act will be passed soon, while MP, Bezalel Smutric threatened by a political crisis if the act won’t be passed. The UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which condemned the colonial settlement in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and demanded Israel to stop it, as a result, after the coalition party leaders voted on the bill in the preliminary reading, they now stop voting on it in the first reading to absorb the anger of the international community. But deputies of the Jewish Home are now demanding to enact the bill and to vote on it in the second and third reading. For his part, Smutric said, we have a fix saying: if the bill won’t pass, nothing else will be passed.

Within the context, the academic poll for “peace index” that issued by the Israeli Institute for Democracy confirmed the Israeli right-wing trends, who have expressed their support for the settlement, despite the international community condemnation to settlement. As, 62% of the Jewish public expressed that Israel shall continue construction in the settlements. As for, the UN Security Council resolution 2334, which confirmed the illegality of settlements, 53% of the Jews said the reason behind the decision was hostility  to Israel.

Within the context of the racist statements, Israeli Minister of Justice, Oielit Shaked said, as Trump enters the White House, settlement construction in Hebron, Jerusalem and the West Bank must continue, claiming that Hebron is a Jewish historically and judicially.  As for Shaked, member of the Jewish Home visited Hebron city in order to check the possibilities of providing aid to the settlement of Qiryat Arba.  Added, Abraham purchased the Al-Ibrahimi Mosque by a purchase document, the first of its kind in the world. She also claimed that the settlers who settled in Hebron today are the sons of this place, and they returned to the house of their fathers and their mothers,

Moreover, she said these days the world condemns Israel over settlement construction, thus I decided to come to the Jewish settlement in Hebron, added it is inconceivable that settlement construction remain stuck for years, and that after 10 days, the US president-elect Donald Trump will enter the White House, and so, the excuses to postpone building must stop, and that building and development of the settlements of Jerusalem and the West Bank must start. As for the spokesperson of the Qiryat Arba settlement, Noam Arnon, who expressed his confidence that Shaked would uproot and expel the provocative and violent parties from Hebron, and that she will work to the restoration of the Jewish people’s rights in the country of their grandparents.

The National Bureau sources showed that the citizens in the Mount Scopus had submitted years ago a project to the Jerusalem Municipality to build 2,500 housing units, but municipal staff put some tough conditions to prevent that. Israeli sources disclosed that the Israeli occupation municipality in Jerusalem wanted to benefit from the recent run-over, which took place in the city at the hands of a resident of (the Mount Scopus” to pass a serious settlement project, where swift measures are to be taken to accelerate building a hotel of 1300-room hotel and commercial areas n the nearby hill of Jabal Al-Mukabir.

The in charge of Planning and Building File at the occupation municipality, Meir Turgem, called construction companies that received hotel construction bids at the Jabal Al-Mukabir for a special meeting this week and inform them on the details about the initiative.  As he said, intention is directed to enable contractors to obtain building permits as soon as possible in order to start construction, added, we will strengthen building in Jerusalem and we will continue to support it in every place in the city, and that we will prepare in coordination with the engineer of the city a fast track to revive the Jabal Al-Mukabir.  He added, 3 companies i.e. Okhwa Hasid, Reekpt Bmochweh, and Claire Clemakal has got the tenders in the area of the ​​new hotels, which will be built paralled to Arnona neighborhood and along the Naobiska road. It is scheduled in accordance with the plans to build three hotels, the largest of which has 400 big hotel rooms and 180 small hotel rooms to accommodate 150 people and will be 3 and 4 star hotels. The plan includes the establishment of 7-8 commercial building floors and cafes on the 1st floor of the hotel , and open picnic areas to the public, overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem. As the Government Tour Company was in-charged to develop the land as well as work to establish open areas and will set up a bus station that serves the 3 hotels. According to the plans, 6 hotels that have 1300 hotel-room on 12,009 sm2 will be erected at the first stage, and 4 pieces of land will be marketed, and 4 tenders will be issued in the near future for the construction of 2 hotels, and commercial areas near the park, and the Israeli land authority will specify the second stage for marketing.

Within the context of the silent Judaization and ethnic cleansing policy, it is expected that the ministerial committee for legislation proposed a bill under the name “expulsion of families,” which allows Ministers of Security and Interior to expel any person resisting the occupation as well as their families from Jerusalem and other areas in the West Bank to the Palestinian Authority areas or out of the country, and to prevent them from entering Israel.

Moreover, the bill was initiated by the head of the coalition government, David Bitan, and Minister Yisrael Katz, and was signed by 15 MK, including Yair Lapid and Yaakov Perry of “Yesh Eated” As well as head of the Foreign and Security Committee,  Avi Dichter (from Likud). The bill is to be divided into 2 laws: the 1st related to those who has the right to stay in Israel, and can be expelled by the Minister of Interior, and the 2nd eases works of or the Defense Minister to order the so-called “Civil Administration” to expel activists and militants from the West Bank. The bill, which is being further developed before voting on it second and third reading is loose and hazy, under which the minister can order administrative detention against any person under the pretext of state or public security.  And if the bill approved, additional authorities will be granted to the Minister of Security.

Source :PNN