Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

Russian-German relations are not tense though some political disagreements remain between the two countries, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with Germany’s DPA news agency.

"I would not describe relations between Russia and Germany as tense. We do have some political disagreements that complicate relations to a certain extent," he said. "However, our common history, cultural and social interpenetration, economy and human wisdom, if you please - all of this constitutes the foundation that allows the people of our countries to believe in a good and predictable future and work together to build it, overcoming tactical issues, I am sure," the Russian top diplomat added.

"It is encouraging that even under the current circumstances, cooperation between Russia and Germany continues to evolve, particularly in the trade, economic, humanitarian and public fields. Dialogue on the key issues of today continues. It may facilitate the gradual restoration of mutual trust and full-fledged cooperation. For our part, we are ready to do this work," Lavrov stressed.
Regional cooperation

The Russian foreign minister pointed to regional cooperation, saying that "it has a special role in strengthening bilateral ties, maintaining trust and mutual understanding between the two countries’ people." In this regard Lavrov mentioned the Russian-German Year of Regional Partnership, the closing ceremony of which is scheduled to take place in the German capital of Berlin on September 14.

"I would like to point out that bilateral thematic years have become a good tradition and kind of a signature of Russian-German relations," Lavrov noted.