Katie Price partied the night away with her boxer pal Amir Khan in Hollywood. But back home in the early hours yesterday her ­estranged husband Alex Reid was partying with a half-naked blond FELLA. Katie, 32, and Amir, 24, who have repeatedly denied any romantic ­involvement, were spotted openly enjoying each other’s company at the London Hotel in West Hollywood on Friday night. They were linked last year while the model was still with cage fighter Alex, 35. Both profusely denied being ­anything more than friends. An onlooker said: “Katie looked delighted to see Amir. They genuinely get one really well but there is no more to it than that. “They were laughing and the ­conversation was non-stop but neither of them fancy one another.” Yesterday Katie referred to her meeting with the world super ­lightweight champ in a message on Twitter. She wrote: “Really nice to catch up with old friends! Pricey is back!” And nearly 6,000 miles away in Manchester Alex was catching up wih another of Katie’s old friends, Matt Peacock. Alex had a laugh with blond Matt, 27, who was wearing only black briefs and red tights in the city’s Entourage club. Matt dated Katie before she met first hubby Peter Andre. An onlooker at the club, which boasts of being “Manchester’s sexiest late-night hotspot” said: “Alex seemed to have forgotten his marriage woes. Perhaps they were swapping notes on the fiery glamour girl.” Yesterday notorious cross-dresser Alex browsed the ladies’ shoe section at the city’s Louis Vuitton shop. But on Thursday night he was ­canoodling with glamour model and actress Charlotte Devaney in London nightclub Amika. Charlotte starred in hit movie, How to Lose Friends and Alienate People. After seeing pictures of them ­­together, Katie said: “I’m pleased for Alex, it’s about time he moved on – I have. I’m too busy for a man at the moment, I don’t feel the need to get a boyfriend straight away. I wish Alex all of the best.” Meanwhile The People can reveal that Katie and ex-husband Peter Andre, 38, had a row over son Harvey last week. Katie claimed that Andre was ­supposed to be having him for half-term week but changed his mind when he decided to go on holiday to Dubai without him – forcing her to take the eight-year-old to Los Angeles. Harvey suffers from the rare ­disease septo-optic dysplasia which has affected his eyesight since he was born. But Pete, who insists that he loves Harvey like his own two kids despite his father being former footballer Dwight Yorke, claims Harvey was never meant to go on the holiday. A source close to the warring pair revealed: “As far as Katie was ­concerned, Pete was due to have all three children for half term week as part of their childcare arrangements so that she could go to America for work commitments. It all seemed to be a big mix-up.”