French President, François Hollande, told a visiting diplomatic corps at Elysee Palace on Thursday that

French President, François Hollande, told a visiting diplomatic corps at Elysee Palace on Thursday that he was planning to tour Egypt, Jordan, and Oman to discuss the prevailing regional crises, including the Lebanese Presidential dossier.

"I will stress the importance of putting an end to the institutional void in Lebanon, which also places Lebanon at the risk of future danger," the French President warned, shining light on the special French-Lebanese ties.

"We are in great need of the support of all the countries in the region -- KSA, Iran, and other countries -- in an attempt to attain peace and unity for this fraternal nation [Lebanon]," Hollande added.

On the eve of the first Iranian president's visit to France since 17 years, Hollande said that the matter majorly depended on this big country [Iran]."

"Iran is now requested to purvey good intention, especially now that its nuclear agreement is being implemented," the French President added, highlighting as well the importance of watering down the existing tension between Iran and KSA

Source: NNA