Hillary Clinton wins party’s presidential nomination

Hillary Clinton won her party’s presidential nomination on Tuesday.

In the four years since the party’s last national convention, the center of gravity in Democratic politics has shifted decidedly to the left.
Meanwhile, after a chaotic opening day disrupted by protests and a rancorous fight over leaked e-mails showing party bias against Barnie Sanders, the Vermont senator called on supporters to get behind Clinton.
“What we must do, or forever look back in regret, is defeat Donald Trump and elect Hillary Clinton,” Sanders said Tuesday while addressing the California delegation.
“In my view, it’s easy — it’s easy to boo, but it is harder to look your kids in the face who would be living under a Donald Trump presidency,” he said.
Trump, meanwhile, took the usual shots at Clinton during a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Charlotte, North Carolina, calling her “Crooked Hillary” and charging that her use of a private e-mail account as secretary of state “put America’s entire national security at risk.”
A Clinton campaign official said Tuesday’s events aim to draw a sharp contrast with Trump with a line-up of speakers who will talk about her life-long fights to make a difference.
The convention’s opening day reflected a startling amount of discord with the session disrupted by persistent boos and jeers from disgruntled Sanders supporters.
Michelle Obama appeared to soothe some of the Sanders zealots Monday night, as she delivered a heartfelt endorsement from one first lady to another and hailed the inspirational prospect of a first female US president.
“In this election, I’m with her,” Obama said.
She offered a thinly veiled jab at Trump while discussing how her family has had to adapt to the shrill tone of today’s politics. “We insist that the hateful language they hear from public figures on TV does not represent the true spirit of this country,” the first lady said.
“Our motto is, ‘when they go low, we go high.’“
The passionate delivery prompted her husband President Barack Obama, who addresses the convention on Wednesday, to tweet his appreciation of her “incredible speech.”
“Couldn’t be more proud & our country has been blessed to have her as FLOTUS,” he posted on Twitter. “I love you, Michelle.”

Source: Arab News