The Ministry of Foreign Affairs visit to Korea by Hamid Mumtaz

Sudan has described a recent visit by a high level Foreign Ministry official as having reaching positive results with the official conferring with a number of officials in Seoul.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday described the outcome of the visit to Korea by Hamid Mumtaz, the State Minister for Foreign Affairs as positive saying the visit itself was important and covered a number of political, cultured and economic fields.

Minister Mumtaz paid a visit to the Republic of Korea, which was organized by the Korean Foundation, where he met with the Korean Deputy Foreign Minister for Bilateral and International Relations, Jongmoon choi, where the two sides discussed issues in a positive spirit, according to an official spokesman at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The spokesman for the Ministry of foreign Affairs, Ghareeb Allah Khidir, said the state Minister pointed out during his meeting with the Korean official to the good development in the relations between the two countries and referred d to the positive development as shown by the work of the joint committee for political consultation.

He said the state minister also expressed hope to see the relations developing further and to see more Korean companied whose products are well received and appreciated in the country, to come and invest in the Sudan.

He further expressed his hope to see a joint ministerial committee to be headed by the ministers of Foreign affairs in the two countries.

The spokesman said the Korean minister, Choi, on his part reaffirmed they were well aware of the huge potentials in the Sudan and that this encourage them to promote relations further.

The Ministry spokesman, ambassador Khidir, further pointed out to the meeting held by the State Minister with the Representative of the Mayor of Seoul, ambassador Chang Beom Kim, where the two sides discussed bilateral relations and the minister expressed his hope that Khartoum could benefit from the experience of the South Korean capital in the field of services, given the worldwide outstanding experience of Seoul in this field.

The Korean capital's official has welcomed a proposal for signing a memorandum of understanding between the Khartoum and Seoul as they have already signed dozens of MOU with a number of world capitals.

He expressed the Korean readiness to help contribute in the development of the infrastructures in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum
The State minister, Mumtaz, also met with the Head of the Foreign Investment in the Korean fund for trade and investment KOTRA, Mr. Donee Kim who said they look forwards to strengthening further bilateral relations with the Sudan.

The State Minister underlined the strong desire of the Sudanese side to expand and to further encourage Korean companies come and invest in the Sudan.

He pointed out to the fact Sudanese market welcomes Asian products and that the Sudan would provide all incentives possible for these companies.

The minister invited Korean companies to come and take part I the coming International Fair of Khartoum.

The state minister also met with officials of the Korean International Cooperation and its acting president Sung-ho Choi who said they were following the recent political developments in the Sudan, saying in the Sudan, KOICA focusses on vocational and technical training in a number of fields.

The state minister has meanwhile called for more training opportunities for Sudanese in different areas.

Source: SUNA