Foreign Minister, Prof. Ibrahim Ghandour

On sidelines of the activities of 72 session of the UN general assembly, Foreign Minister, Prof. Ibrahim Ghandour, accompanied by the undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Abdul-Ghani al-Naeem have participated in the high level meeting concerning the strategy of the UN on Libya, organized and chaired by the UN Secretary General, Mr. Antonio Guterres, yesterday, Wednesday, at the UN headquarter in New York.
During the meeting, Antonio Guterres has announced the launching of the UN strategy on libya, stressing the absence of a military solution to the crisis.
The Secretary-General put forward the UNs strategy for achieving these goals, which contained seven main priorities.
The meeting was briefed by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General Mr. Ghassan Salama, on the latest developments in the Libyan crisis.
The speaker of the Libyan Presidential Council, Fayez Al-Sarraj, also stressed the support of his government to the UN strategy on Libya. He warned of the saboteurs who depend on obstructing any sustainable peace agreement. He said Libya's political stability would ensure security stability not only in Libya, but in the neighboring countries and the world, he pointed out that the failure to control the security of the border with the neighboring countries, especially the southern border allows the infiltration of illegal immigration, terrorist groups and organized crime.
The meeting was addressed by the president of France Mr. Emmanuel Macron, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Mrs. Teresa Mae, Mr. Paolo Gentiloni the italian premier, Mr. Donis Sassou Nguesso the president of the Republic of Congo, and Mrs. Frederika Mugherini, the EU High Commissioner for Foreign Relations and Security.
The speakers at the meeting have expressed their full support to the UN road map on the political process in Libya.
The Egyptian president, Abdul Fattah Al Sisi, has also stressed his country's support for the political process in Libya under the auspices of the UN, saying that Egypt has always supported the peace and stability of Libya in terms of its historic responsibilities. He added that recently Egypt held a meeting for the military leaders from different regions of Libya on purpose to unifying them under one administration and have unanimously agreed on the decisions of the meeting.

Source: SUNA