Armenian Ambassador to Egypt Armen Melkonian

Armenian Ambassador to Egypt Armen Melkonian said preparations for the Egyptian-Armenian IT forum due to be held in Cairo are about to be finalized.

In statements to MENA on the 25th anniversary of establishing Egyptian-Armenian diplomatic ties, he said the two countries signed 40 agreements, protocols and memorandums of understanding over the past 25 years.

He highlighted potentials for promoting trade exchange between the two countries.

He noted that Egypt opened a pharmaceuticals company in Armenia by the end of 2016.

Egypt's Red Sea resorts of Sharm el Sheikh and Hurghada are the most important tourism hubs for Armenian tourists, he said, noting that about 10,000 Armenian tourists visit Egypt annually.

He underlined his country's keenness on holding the fifth joint committee convocation by end of May.

Source: MENA