Jordanian FM Ayman Safadi

The Arab League head of states summit on Wedensday is set to decide on next steps regarding Palestine, amid a US adminstration pledge to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem instead of Tel Aviv, as per press conference late Monday following Ministerial Meetings in preparation for the Arab Summit .


Asked whether the pan Arab organisation would boycott countries recognising the US embassy move, Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said the summit has a number of decisions to make on the Palestinian issue that will be announced after the summit.

He did not say whether a boycotting decision would be included or not.

US president Donald Trump has pledged to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem as a recognition of the city as Israel's capital.

In early March, the league’s Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul-Gheit called on everyone not to pre-empt events in dealing with the stance of the new US administration, affirming the League's commitment to a two-state solution.

Since 1980, Arab League summits have renewed the decision to boycott countries that recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Such recognition was first proposed by the US after the election of Republican president Ronald Reagan Source: Ahram online