Kuwait daily newspaper 'Al Wassat' has named HH the Father Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani the Person of the Year for 2013 describing him as "the builder of modern Qatar" and elaborated in the enumeration of the unprecedented historical achievements accomplished in the State of Qatar during his reign. The paper published today in its front page the large size image of HH the Father Emir, accompanied with an article written by its chief editor in which he enumerated HH the Father Emir's feats and his great achievements " that moved his country at an accelerated pace on the scale of glory until it became a luminous star in the sky of glory and progress." The writer referred to the decision of HH the Father Emir to hand the banner to HH the Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, saying his decision to abdicate and to hand over power to his young son " has laid the foundations for a good precedent as he wanted to convey a clear message that passion for the people and the nation is greater than remaining in power, despite the volume of the growth achieved in his reign and after Qatar became in the forefront of the most developed nations where sectors have been competing and preceded by the growth of the Qatari people. He said HH the Father Emir arrived at the conviction that love of Qatar and its people require handing over the banner to HH Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, " in order to giver the state a youthful boost and high spirit that will push it towards further progress in line with the facts of the modern era ," especially that the Qatari people is young, ambitious and qualified, and has the potential and the conditions made available by the wise leadership.