Morocco’s appointed Head of Government, Abdelilah Benkirane

Morocco’s appointed Head of Government, Abdelilah Benkirane, was named “The Person of the Year” in a vote organized by the Casablanca-based Aswat Radio.

The results of an SMS vote organized by Aswat Radio were revealed on January 10th. After being awarded his trophy by the radio channel, Benkirane graciously participated in a congratulatory interview.

As part of his expression of gratitude at being selected among all the figures competing for the title, Benkirane thanked the voters “who considered that I [Benkirane] was the person deserving of the title.”

He went on to reveal that he was touched by the story of a female doctor, Nawal Guassim, who came second in the vote. Guassim, a supervisor in the delivery ward at Zagora hospital, has managed through her personal effort and dedication, to enhance the services of the hospital.

Benkirane was clearly impressed by her story and sent her his greetings saying, “you understood me more than many of the closest people to me.” He added that he is convinced that reform cannot take place unless “the doctor, the nurse, the teacher, the employee in public administration and whoever else tasked with a specific duty” contributes with their own personal efforts.

“You could take measures to the highest level the way you want” Benkirane further explained, “If people do not positively interact with the measures, they are doomed to fail.” The appointed Head of Government then addressed teachers in the public sector, which is suffering through major crises, saying that they must take the initiative and not wait for government programs because they are in a better position to know the problems afflicting their sector.

Turning the subject back to the doctor who secured second place in the vote, Benkirane said, “If I had voted, I would have voted for her… given the significance of the role she plays. “

When his interview was concluded, Benkirane remained to answer questions from reporters about the status quo on the political scene following his decision to end the talks leading to the formation of the next government. He reaffirmed his position that he cannot continue negotiations with the other parties so long as the reasons for his decision still apply.

Source :Morocco World News