President Mahmoud Abbas

Riyad Mansour, Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations, said on behalf of President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday that the Palestinian people will continue their legitimate struggle to realize their inalienable rights and strive for equal rights.

Addressing the UN General Assembly in New York on the occasion of the Day of Solidarity with Palestine, Mansour said, “If [international and regional] efforts fail to find a solution [of the Palestinian issue], the Palestinian people will not disappear, nor will they accept oppression and injustice as their future. Our people will continue their legitimate struggle to realize their inalienable rights and strive for equal rights for all in historic Palestine.”

“How long will Israel be treated as a state above the law, and when will the international community shoulder its responsibilities?” he questioned.

Mansour added that the UN General Assembly, Security Council, Human Rights Council and other UN bodies, including the International Court of Justice, have adopted principled decisions in favor of the question of Palestine, “but again we regret that such resolutions have not been implemented, which has exacerbated the decades-long conflict and inflicted severe hardships on the Palestinian people.”

In the meantime, Mansour affirmed on behalf of President Abbas the “full commitment to international law, international legitimacy and the two-state solution on pre-1967 borders.”

“We remain ready to give a chance to regional and international peacemaking efforts, based on long-term references to achieve a just peace.”