Moroccan security forces arrested  Facebook porn fraudster

Moroccan security forces arrested  Facebook porn fraudster A con artist who posed as a Gulf man to lure girls in to a blackmail trap has been arrested. Moroccan security forces in Casablanca arrested a man who, disguised in Arab clothing and with fake Facebook identity, blackmailed more than 16 girls from all over the kingdom.
A well connected source told Arabstoday that the con man, 25, was born in Kenitra. He uploaded pictures of himself on the Facebook website wearing the national costume of the Gulf States and used a Gulf dialect accent to approach girls. He then allegedly manipulated them with promises of marriage, before convincing them to get naked in front of the camera.
The suspect recorded more than 40 porn videos of the girls with the help of a friend. He then unveiled his true identity and began blackmailing his victims with threats to publish the videos on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook if they refused to comply with his orders. He held the videos hostage for large sums of money, asking for between 6000 and 20000 Dirhams in return for deleting the porn.