Sheikha Lubna bint Khalid al-Qasimi

Sheikha Lubna bint Khalid Al Qasimi, Minister of International Cooperation and Development (MICAD), has affirmed the U.A.E.'s commitment to various United Nations resolutions, and reiterated the nation's quest to forge partnerships and coordinate actively with organisations affiliated to the UN.
In a speech marking United Nations Day, which falls tomorrow, Sheikha Lubna said that the partnership, which has seen the U.A.E. building bridges with the UN for humanitarian and development causes, strengthens the U.A.E.'s efforts as a major donor for development and humanitarian assistance, and has put the U.A.E. among the ranks of countries which respond to humanitarian crises in various parts of the world.
On the 24th of October each year, the world celebrates United Nations Day, which, since its inception in 1945, has always sent a message of peace aimed at uniting the states, the governments and the peoples on many issues affecting peace and global stability.
Sheikha Lubna stressed that the multiplicity and diversity of partnership agreements guide the U.A.E. for aiding developing countries, poor communities and areas that experience disasters. It makes it possible to provide assistance to institutions, agencies and programmes affiliated to the UN. Such partnerships also contribute towards expediting such aid and enhancing our ability to deliver it to targeted recipients.
Sheikha Lubna said, "We in the U.A.E., which joined the UN in 1971, the year the country was established, recognise the importance of the active and vital role played by the UN organisation based on the faith of our wise leadership in the UN Charter and International norms. We are aware of the importance of achieving more cohesiveness and deepening the global partnership to find effective solutions to the issues and risks facing our world.
"As we recall the tremendous efforts and achievements made, thanks to the partnership between the international community and the United Nations, we look forward to a better future for unified efforts and perspectives in order to confront the problems and threats that affect our safety and security, as well as the stability of humanity," Sheikha Lubna added.
Source: WAM