Egypt's Women discussed putting forward many women candidates in the coming parliamentary elections.

Egypt\'s Women discussed putting forward many women candidates in the coming parliamentary elections. Cairo – Akram Ali The National Front for Egypt\'s Women discussed putting forward many women candidates in the coming parliamentary elections. This is to re-represent women in politics after their low participation in the last parliamentary elections.
The meeting was held at the central headquarters of (el-Tagamoa) the National Progressive Unionist Party. the President of the Women\'s Federation in the Party, Fethiye el-Asaal, journalist and the former director of el-Ahaly newspaper Amina el-Nakash and representatives of women in parties attended. Represented parties included (el-Nassery) Nasserist party, (el-Masryen el-Ahrar) Egyptians liberal, (el-Tahalof el-Shaby el-Eshtraky) the socialist People\'s Alliance and (el-Tagamoa) the Progressive Unionist Party.
The head of the women\'s union, Fethiye el-Asaal invited all participating women to swamp elections and organise themselves for the coming parliamentary elections. The union will contact the Egyptian governorates in order to set up female candidates for the upcoming municipal and parliamentary elections.
El-Asaal said in a press conference after the meeting that they sent a warning under the name of Egypt\'s Women\'s National Front, to the Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi to allocate a female representation of 50 percent or they would call for dissolving the constitution assembly.
One of the participating women from the Institution of Egyptian Women\'s Issues, announced that they by September 9 they would collect women\'s demands to be included in the new constitution, then declared the document will be presented to the Egyptian president and the constituent assembly.
Amina el-Nakash claimed in the meeting that the Muslim Brotherhood is sharply attacking women\'s rights in the last period. She suggested boycotting the assembly or continuing to contact assembly members to deliver their ideas to them.The human rights activist who resigned from the constituent assembly recently, Manal el-Tayebi confirmed that it is hopeless to establish a civil mainstream in the assembly, as \"you can\'t differentiate between the mainstream and Islamists\" to the extent that one of the mainstream members called for mentioning \"Islamic Sharia\" in each article of the constitution while other civil members didn’t object.
El-Tayebi suggested that article 62 should include a percentage of female representation in parliament. This was refused by female representatives from el-Horya Wa al-Adala (Justice and freedom party). The Justice and Freedom party instead discussed preventing women from being elected so women would \"return back to the home in the future.\"