Israeli force attack

A five year-old Palestinian child was shot in her abdomen, after Israeli soldiers fired live rounds at homes and lands in northern Gaza’s Beit Lahia Friday, Palestinian medical sources reported.
The child, identified as Rimas Hamdouna received the urgently-needed medical treatment by filed medics before being moved to the Indonesian Hospital, in northern Gaza, and was later transferred to the Shifa Hospital, in Gaza City.
Medical sources at the Shifa Hospital in Gaza described the condition of the wounded child as “moderate-to-severe.”
It is worth mentioning that the army used automatic weapons to fire at homes and lands, in Beit Lahia, wounding the child, and causing property damage.
On Friday afternoon, Israeli soldiers, stationed across the border fence east of the Gaza Strip, fired dozens of rounds targeting homes and lands, in Rafah and Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.
On Thursday morning, a Palestinian fisherman was shot was injured, after Israeli navy ships opened fire on several fishing boats, near the shore of Beit Lahia.
Medical sources said the wounded fisherman has been identified as Abed Hisham Sultan, and that the man was shot with a rubber-coated steel bullet.