Students shout slogans as they protest on the Sanaa University campus

Students shout slogans as they protest on the Sanaa University campus Sanaa – Ali Rabea Students from the Yemeni University of Sanaa told Arabstoday that soldiers who were stationed in the campus attacked A student demonstration on Wednesday. The demonstration in the campus attacked a student demonstration on Wednesday.
The demonstration called for the evacuation  of soldiers belonging to the First Armored Division who were stationed on campus.
The same sources claimed that the soldiers arrested two students, and threatened their colleagues who objected to their arrest with weapons. In addition, the soldiers prevented the students from filming the demonstration, which demanded the departure of the soldiers from the University of Sanaa.
The students who participated in the demonstration promised to continue their protests calling for restoration of the sanctity of the university by assigning special guards who are independent from the army. They also called on students to participate in a protest march on Saturday.
This student protest is the second of its kind, organised by an invitation from the students of the Yemeni Socialist Party, in order to protest against the presence of military forces in the University of Sanaa.