Hugo Chavez passed away 5 months ago

Hugo Chavez passed away 5 months ago Venezuela has unveiled its latest tribute to revered late president Hugo Chavez: its very own institute of Chavezian thought .
\"Creation is hereby authorised of a State Foundation that will be called the \'Institute of Higher Learning of Supreme Comandante Hugo Chavez Frias\'s Thought\',\" read a decree from President Nicolas Maduro in the official gazette.
The socialist anti-US firebrand, the most prominent face of Latin America\'s left, died five months ago.
The institute \"will approve and monitor coursework on the ideas of the top leader of the Bolivarian Revolution for university-level and postgraduate degree programmes\" as well as set out rules for the use of the late president\'s name in public spaces.
Maduro announced the creation of the new institute in Sabaneta, Chavez\' hometown, on Sunday as part of a week-long national celebration of what would have been the late leader\'s birthday.
Chavez\'s legacy however has divided the country, with about half the population blaming him or Maduro for the OPEC-member country\'s miserable economy and sky-high crime rate.