Fisher vs. University of Texas at Austin

Fisher vs. University of Texas at Austin The U.S. Department of Education issued guidelines to colleges, reiterating its support for the voluntary use of race to increase diversity on campus. The guidelines give colleges and universities more information on the ruling in Fisher vs. University of Texas at Austin, a Supreme Court case in which two white students sued the school, alleging that they were denied admittance because they are white.
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the university, which the Department of Education stated in a release, \"persevered the well-established legal principle that colleges and universities have a compelling interest in achieving the educational benefits that flow from a racially and ethnically diverse student body and can pursue that interest in their admissions programs if they do so in lawful ways.\"
\"As the court has repeatedly recognized, a diverse student enrollment promotes cross-racial understanding and dialogue, reduces racial isolation, and helps to break down stereotypes,\" U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said in response to the Supreme Court ruling in June. \"This is critical for the future of our country because racially diverse educational environments help to prepare students to succeed in an increasingly diverse workforce and society.\"
Source: UPI