25 students who returned from Iran for questioning over suspicions

25 students who returned from Iran for questioning over suspicions Turkey detained 25 students who returned from Iran for questioning over suspicions they had been used for spying and propaganda activities, an official said. The students aged 13 to 19 arrived in Turkey via the Gurbulak border Gate Sept.12 after completing a 20-day study course in Iran, the Hurriyet Daily News reported Wednesday.
Turkish authorities detained the group of students for questioning and later released them to their families pending further investigation, the newspaper said.
One of the students, identified as K.A. and described as the leader of the group, was arrested. He said the trip had been organized by the Istanbul branch of Iran\'s Camia-tul Mustafa University. The university denied any involvement, the Daily News said.
Over the 20-day course in Iran, the students were accommodated at various universities including sacred Shiite venues. They also met with the country\'s religious leaders and studied political and religious courses, the report said. The students also visited the home of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomenei, the newspaper said.
Source: UPI