Apple's FaceTime is listed in legal documents

Apple\'s FaceTime is listed in legal documents Apple has been sued by a Taiwan-based university for the second time, Patently Apple has reported. National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in Taiwan filed a lawsuit against the technology giant on Friday, related to a patent the university owns on video compression software.
The complaint, which was filed in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, claims that Apple\'s use of video compression technology in its FaceTime video-chatting feature, as well as QuickTime, violates the university\'s patent.
Last year, NCKU hit Apple with a patent-infringement lawsuit over the company\'s use of Siri and voice-to-text functionality.
As with the previous lawsuit, the university seeks damages, and wants Apple to stop selling products that use FaceTime or QuickTime.
PRevious patent lawsuits against Apple have failed to bear any success for the plaintiffs.