Young females arrested in prostitution ring

Young females arrested in prostitution ring Casablanca – Raja Battaoui A 23 year old female student from Mohammed V University in Rabat, has been arrested in Sale and charged with corruption and forcing young girls into prostitution. The student known as Rania was involved in a prostitution network by providing girls from the university campus and secondary schools.
Investigations added that she practiced prostitution herself with customers in her apartment, in exchange for foreign money.
Rania’s network involved different methods of attracting customers, and one of them was by providing a portfolio of each girl so that the male customer could chose who to spend the night with.
Police officers from Salé submitted the file of the prostitution network, and a hearing will take place next Thursday. The young student could face imprisonment between six months to two years if found guilty.
Despite the country having one of the highest prostitution rates in the Arab world, Morocco has been trying to fight the problem in these recent years.
In less than two months there has already been more than 40 prostitutes and ring leaders  charged and arrested.