Blackmailer filmed assault of 10 schoolgirls in Rabat

Blackmailer filmed assault of 10 schoolgirls in Rabat Rabat -  Hussein Idrissi A number of lawyers have issued complaints against a Moroccan man who lured schoolgirls to his apartment to blackmail them. The 25 year old filmed 10 schoolgirls studying at Ghaddy public high schools in the capital Rabat after seducing them, sequentially and individually, to come to his apartment and have sex. He guiding them to a trapped room filled with cameras, not with a sexual motive but to blackmail the well-off victims’ families who he presumed would pay any price to cover-up a scandal. Informed sources told Arabstoday that the lawyers had filed complaints on the man with the public prosecutor of Rabat accompanied by ill-gotten video tapes of the schoolgirls in conditions that “violate their modesty”.
Meanwhile, on Monday the Court of First Instance in Fez, central Morocco decided to postpone the consideration of a case involving a French language professor who filmed himself assaulting an underage girl. The court is pursuing the perpetrator on charges of "seducing a minor, indecent assault under threat, devirgination, and breach of public modesty." The tape began being disseminated via the social networking site Facebook and was then broadcasted widely on pornographic websites.