Saudi Arabia, Turkey to boost educational cooperation

Saudi Arabia, Turkey to boost educational cooperation Prince Faisal bin Abdullah, the Saudi minister of education, has discussed with his Turkish counterpart Omer Dincer ways of enhancing cooperation between the two nations to meet development demands in youth education.
The prince said his meeting with the Turkish minister comes as an extension of the long relations between the two countries in different fields.
He stressed on the importance of providing education to young men and women, saying youth are the real future of the nations.
\"There are many aspects of cooperation that the two countries can develop and there will be more mutual visits to promote cooperation,\" said Prince Faisal.
The Turkish minister demonstrated the development of the Turkish education through many projects, most importantly the \"Al-Fateh\" project, which uses smart whiteboards linked to students computers.
This project provides materials easily to students and makes the learning process more interesting for them.
The Turkish project also provides links to curricula and opens communication between students\' families and schools through an assessment process.