Teachers will be barred from wearing short skirts to school

Teachers will be barred from wearing short skirts to school Moscow – Arab Today Russian lawmakers are drafting legislation that would bar female schoolteachers from wearing short skirts and shirts with plunging necklines to class .
Two committees in the State Duma are working on a formal behavior and dress code that will include recommendations for students and their teachers, RIA Novosti reported on Monday.
\"Pedagogues allow themselves to dress with undisguised sexuality and ... get side jobs in strip clubs or advertise services of sexual character on the internet,\" Yelena Senatorova, a lawmaker with the ruling United Russia party, was quoted as saying.
\"This is unacceptable given that we are introducing school uniform for children.\"
The dress code will not require teachers to wear a uniform, but will ban short skirts, exposed cleavages and excessive makeup, Senatorova said.
The proposed moral code will give recommendations on appropriate interaction between students, which is \"necessary given the current level of morality in schools,\" said Nadezhda Shaidenko, another lawmaker.
The lawmakers did not say whether the code made recommendations for male teachers.
Source: UPI