Roads and Transport Authority (RTA)

The Roads and Transport Authority, RTA, has started showing awareness videos to educate motorists about safe driving techniques at Emarat petrol stations.
The step aims to diversify traffic awareness channels by leveraging communal partnership with private entities such as Emarat, which has a solid cooperation record with the RTA in previous events.
Maitha bint Udai, CEO of RTA Traffic and Roads Agency, highlighted the importance of this step in grabbing the attention of considerable numbers of road users to bring to their attention safety guidelines the Agency is seeking to deliver to the public.
"This awareness effort is a result of continued cooperation between the RTA and Emarat, and currently stands out as a model for companies and entities we are seeking to cooperate with more vigorously in future," she said.
"These educational videos will be shown continuously via giant advertising screens provided at 40 petrol stations. Specific topics will be displayed via these screens and the time of display will be fixed to conform to the season or programme campaigned by the agency.
The agency will shortly start displaying footage about safety tips regarding driving under foggy or rainy conditions to concur with the campaign the agency is gearing to undertake over the forthcoming period which would likely witness changing weather conditions," continued Maitha.
"The agency had previously produced awareness films focusing on the importance of applying safety belts, fitting vehicles with baby seats, over-speeding risks, driving distractions, and the importance of leaving sufficient safety distances between vehicles. These films will be displayed in accordance with the flow of future awareness plans.
"The Traffic and Roads Agency has considerably revamped many of its awareness methods over the past period and embraced modern techniques based on websites, social media channels, as well as other means focused on image and motion more than texts and normal releases. The RTA is therefore keen on using various media channels to get its awareness messages across to the public," added Maitha bint Udai.
According to Dr. Arhama bin Mohammed Al Shamsi, Director of Retail Sales at Emarat, there are 40 electronic screens installed at various service stations of Emarat.
Source: WAM