Child demonstrates magnetic repulsion with 2 bar magnets

Child demonstrates magnetic repulsion with 2 bar magnets A postgraduate student in Nigeria claims to have scientific proof that same-sex marriage is wrong, and the University of Lagos is backing his so-called discovery .
Chibuihem Amalaha told Nigeria\'s This Day Live that same-sex marriage is \"eating deep into the fabric of our human nature all over the world.\"
Amalaha explains that he conducted \"experiments\" in biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics to prove that homosexuality is wrong. He uses magnets to show that the repellence of similar entities proves his theory.
The magnets\' like poles, Amalaha says, \"will push away themselves showing that a man should not attract a man.\"
Amalaha believes he will win the Nobel Prize, and intends to publish his work in international journals.
Homosexuality is a criminal offense in Nigeria, carrying a 14-year prison sentence for consensual adult relationships. Last year, the country passed an anti-gay marriage bill that also targets any public displays of affection as well as anyone who aids or abets gay couples.
Source: UPI